Xero is a brand that was created to supply to those who are in need of individual transcendence. Xero creates clothing that not only has an identity of its own, but also has language and emotion. Using design language, Xero wants to resolve the distinction between brand identity and personal identity. Xero will be a brand that reaches out to those who want to restart and express themselves.

IC Xero is an extension of the brand Xero. IC stands for Inter Culture. It creates a hybrid of two cultures into an article of clothing. For the "first season" IC Xero presents a line of clothing combining Korean and American fashion.


IC Meta is an additional portion to the extension IC Xero. With a lot of digital media overcoming the world, Xero was also a step ahead to create digital wearables. IC Meta had a focus to create wearable type. All of the virtual clothing created are translucent and have the ability to wear type.


Final Virtual Reality Outfit